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CASE Study Program Kick Off!


The Amazin’ Mets Foundation CASE Study Program is a sports executive study program for high school students who are interested in sports – and perhaps careers in sports – but who would otherwise not have the opportunity to get the training, experience and tutelage to pursue entry-level jobs in sports. The CASE Study Program will help students build professional sports knowledge and network by providing relevant instruction and actionable insights. Together, the Amazin’ Mets Foundation CASE Program will explore all the sports industry has to offer as students consider pursuing their passion as a career.

The 2025 CASE Program will begin on January 7 with a kickoff event at Citi Field with 27 students from Bayside High School. This session will provide general exposure to the multi-faceted sports industry, while getting to know students better.

To assist students in beginning the building of their networks, 27 Mets Front Office Staff will take part in the Kick Off Event by hosting a one-on-one meet and greet with a CASE student. The goal is to provide students with a clear visual of working in the sports industry.